It can’t be more simple than this: Put ankle/foot orthotics (AFOs, or braces) on uninsured and under-insured kids ages 0-18 with a diagnosed neuromuscular disease so they can thrive.

Did you know there are tons of kids all around the world living with neuromuscular diseases that make daily living difficult? Even walking can be a challenge because of foot drop, general weakness and/or balance issues. Many of these kids’ families can’t afford the orthotic braces they need just to do the simple things most people take for granted. And they need these braces right now, today! Learn how you can help.


Garrett Hall, musician, producer and storyteller, has been living with Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) Type 1A since his diagnosis in 2011. CMT is a rare progressive and degenerative genetic neuromuscular disease that atrophies lower arm and leg muscles over time. He wears leg braces because of foot drop, and can’t walk well without them. This disease has opened his eyes and changed his life. Leg braces have restored his active quality of life. Hear from Garrett about Braces for Impact.


Meet Emmett White, 2. “We are so thankful to have been able to be a part of Braces for Impact. We are very hopeful that these braces will get our little guy walking this year!” - Skye White, Emmett’s mother

Meet Josiah Beahan-Yates, 17. Braces for Impact was able to provide Josiah with much-needed shoes specially fitted for his AFOs.


As we grow Braces for Impact, we can’t wait to add more of our support partners!


I’m always happy to hear from people who want to help by planning a fundraiser, etc.